Yes! Yes! Yes! Set-Up

Hello there!  Above are a bunch of photos from the previous days of set-up for the show.  Basically framed and wired all the works Thursday and gave them a rough hang.  Then Friday Rab and I woke up with a rough hang ourselves in Noosa courtesy of a nice little shin dig Harry the Roach had for one of the Americans that's out at the moment.  Got back to the gallery at about 1pm and finished tidying up, fanged home to Rabs showered and BOOM! Hello opening night.  Thanks to the boys for helping set up, big-big thanks especially to Rab and Lach who were running around like little girls in ballerina outfits at a 6-year-olds birthday party.  Most photos by Lach.


ERA.culprits said...

quote: "running around like little girls in ballerina outfits at a 6-year-olds birthday party".. hahaha!!


Stirls said...

Hey Nic... Amazing mate... I am disappointed I didn't make it up. Congrats.
