Le Festival Adore from Nicholas Chalmers on Vimeo.
This is the film which I made for my installation at 'I USED TO SKATE ONCE 6' Exhibiton.
The movie is cut from a reel of Super8 Film I shot in outback Australia. I used the best images from the reel as most of it was over exposed courtesy of my broken camera.
Basically the film is a bit of tongue and cheek for all the art-house style films out there that use antique looking footage and non-english voices. Nothing serious just an attempt of a bit of light hearted humour. I'm hoping viewers who speak French will get a laugh out of this as the subtitles and talking are completely non-related. For example the French dialogue starts a little something like this "Isn't it funny how you can say anything in French and it sounds so sexy..."
Enjoy (hopefully)