More shaka than you can throw a stick at. My new custom Chanel sled courtesy of Chanel. Didn't believe the email when they said the wanted to hook me up with one of their boards a few months ago. Not complaining.
The waves have been pumpernickle of late. Here is a sequence Tim Beban shot of me from Burleigh last week. From this sequence you would assume I was dropping in but I actually went around 'The Kid' and continued on my way. P.S. Apologies for the lack of art lately. I've moved into a new studio recently so there are new works on the way.
Last week me and a couple of mates took our logs down to Byron for the day and tested a Super8 camera out that I've had lying in my cupboard for the last five years. Sending the film off tomorrow for development so fingers crossed it comes out ok. In the meantime check out this little clip I found scrawling youtube.
2 Terrible Sessions mashed into 1. Poor Surf, Poor Surfing, Poor Weather. This video is so poor its homeless. Filmed by J-Dub Malane, Music by Alexis & Milk. Don't expect much.
During our dazy journey back to Bondi Holly the Hippo and I spotted Mr & Mr Bengus (click the link to see photos from their journey). Bizarre coincidence. Was checking out this mean splitty then next thing I know I realise it's ze boys. Pulled over, gave them a hug, regretted giving them a hug, then told them they needed to shower bad. Hair everywhere and black fingernails (not the ones you get from being emo) Mr & Mr Bengus told me they hadn't showered for four days. LCA+ 100 Speed Colour Neg
My homie Chongy and his hombrés recently opened a "unique surf lifestyle inspired retail concept" dubbed 'The Sugar Mill'. This is a shot I took whilst visiting last month with Holly the Hippo (one of my limited prints is on the right in the foreground, will post soon). LCA+ 100 Speed Colour Neg